How to Train Your Pink Princess Philodendron to Climb | Step-by-Step Guide for Bigger Leaves, Healthier Growth, and Stunning Results

Train Your Pink Princess Philodendron to Climb

So, you’ve got a Pink Princess Philodendron, and now you want to help it grow by teaching it to climb. You’re in the right place because I’ve been through this too. When I first got my Pink Princess, I loved its pink and green leaves. They made it the star of my plant collection. But … Read more

Pink Princess Philodendron Pests | A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Pests

Pink Princess Philodendron Pests

Today, I want to talk about something that many plant lovers know well—pests. These pests love to settle on our Pink Princess Philodendron plants. If you’re like me, the thought of anything hurting those pretty pink and green leaves is upsetting. You’ve likely spent time, care, and maybe some money on this plant. The last … Read more

Pink Princess Philodendron Propagation | Proven Tips for Growing, Caring, and Troubleshooting

Pink Princess Philodendron Propagation

The first time I saw a Pink Princess Philodendron, I was amazed by its stunning mix of pink and green leaves. Since these beautiful plants can be hard to find and expensive, I decided to explore Pink Princess Philodendron propagation to grow my own. In this guide, I’ll share the simple methods and tips I’ve … Read more